Boosted Dashboard

About the project

The Boosted Boards Dashboard, served as an enterprise console to be used by the staff of the company. It provided a unified interface for managing several aspects of the app, user management, vehicle and event management. It also provided statistics and analytics about the usage of the vehicles.

Additionally it was designed to be able to present and save various custom views of widgetized pages, with each widget showing an aspect of the anonymous data collected from the vehicles. Data displayed could be configured in various ways. Thus each staff member would be able to have their own view: An operations employee could see millage and use of accessories, while an engineers could view the types and number of errors over time.

The backend system consisted of a load balanced server app, a data collector based on a message queue, pre-processing and post-processing modules along with a memory based database for fast display of data.

Finally, the Dashboard also was designed to manage the delivery of firmware updates, in a selective fashion and included a lambda based user specific firmware compilation service.

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